Sunday, March 24, 2013

A Great Weekend

 This is my very first walk in cooler! I'm very excited about having this piece of equipment in our farm. I'll be able to keep my flowers in top shape for my customers and that its a plus, plus, plus. My husband and a friend assembled it in just over 2 hours. Now Spring can come and make its appearance.  I'm ready.

The anemones and the tulips look great. I'll be harvesting anemones this week and hoping for more sunshine so I can bring some real beauties to our local Co-op.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Inspecting the Fields

This is that time of year when I do several rounds of inspecting on the perennial beds. The truth is.. way too many rounds!. I feel a jolt of happiness when I see something popping out of the soil, unfurling, emerging, so I just want to feel it over and over again. Here some peonies are making their appearance.

Friday, March 8, 2013


February was hard on me psychologically. I'm so ready to get my hands on the dirt and my mind onto better more colorful things. This sunset was the perfect ending to a beautiful day.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Tiny Little Seedling

I love to see this happening in the greenhouse.  Once one is spotted the others are not far behind.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Dahlia Goodness

Dahlias take dedication and care. The effort is well worth it when you glance at the field flooded with color.